
Center for Economic Democracy Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada


Center for Economic Democracy Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada was establish with purpose for assessing economic studies theoretically and practically in Indonesia. The studies are carried out through multi-disciplinary based on the basic philosophy and national ideology approach. 

Formulation the ideals of Indonesia that contained in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution (Undang-Undang Dasar 1945) are “protecting the nation and all Indonesian people, promoting public welfare, educating nation’s life and participating to carry out world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice”

First time, Center for Economic Democracy Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada was establish with the name of Center for Pancasila Economic Studies on October 17, 2002 based on the Decree of Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada No. 177/P/SK/HKTL/2002. The name change to Center for Economic Democracy Studies was carried out on April 3, 2006 based on the Decree of Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada No.176/P/SK/HT/2006 with the following considerations:

First, to adjust with mandate of the 1945 Constitution (Undang-Undang Dasar 1945) Article 33 to organize national economic based on economic democracy

Second, mandatory from TAP MPR Tap MPR No. II/MPR/1999 about Garis-garis Besar Haluan Negara Tahun 1999 – 2004.

Third, mandatory from Tap MPR No. II/MPR/2002 about Policy Recommendations to Accelerate National Economic Recovery.

Four, to increase role of Studies Center in developing economic democracy system

Five, to expand opportunities of Studies Center in capacity building.


Becoming a think tank, center of development, and the main node in economic democracy movement network in Indonesia. 


1. Conducting research and implementation based on economic democracy system.

2. Conducting training related to the results of research in economic democracy system.

3. Disseminating ideas on work procedures and methods of measuring economic democracy development through publication and documentation.

4. Developing scientific forum and critical discussion in economic democracy perspective.

5. Building a network to implement economic democracy.


Center for Economic Democracy Studies conducts research to encourage the implementation economic democracy. The main themes of research are about rural areas, traditional market, agriculture, labor, micro and small enterprises, and cooperatives.

Community Development

Center for Economic Democracy Studies conducts community development to encourage the implementation the democracy economic through strengthening the intellectual capital (human capital), the institutional and the material. The main themes of community development are about rural areas, traditional market, agriculture, labor, micro and small enterprises, and cooperatives.


Center for Economic Democracy Studies conducts community development to encourage the implementation the democracy economic. The training is aimed to local governments, village, business actor, and other parties that need training about implementation of the economic democracy. The main themes of community development are about rural areas, traditional market, agriculture, labor, micro and small enterprises, and cooperatives.

National Seminar

The Center for Economic Democracy Studies UGM has organized various scientific forums, including monthly seminars and national seminars. The aim is to share the knowledge and knowledge that has been generated through research, exchange ideas, question and answer, with the wider community, both from universities, government officials (central and regional), mass media, NGOs, students, and others.

Several monthly seminar themes that have been held in the last 10 years include:




“Labor School”: Development Model for Empowerment Labor

January 17, 2013

▪   Dr. Ari Hernawan, SH, M.Hum

▪   Aditya Iskandar – Labor Solidarity Association


March 22, 2013

▪   Dr. Revrisond Baswir, MBA

▪   Dr. Hempri Suyatna, M.Si

Economic Democracy in Asia: Opportuniy & Constraint

April 2013

▪   Dr. Revrisond Baswir, MBA (CEDS-UGM)

▪   Dr. Hempri Suyatna (FISIPOL UGM}

▪   Pablo Solon (Direktur Focus on Global South-Thailand/Mantan Duta Besar Bolivia untuk PBB).

▪   Henry Saragih (La Via Campesina Organisasi Petani Dunia/Ketua Umum Serikat Petani Indonesia).

▪   Mae Bonaventura (Jubilee South/ Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development)

▪   Yosi Polimpung (Universitas Al Azhar, Jakarta)

May Day

26 April 2013

▪   Dr. Ari Hernawan, SH (Tim Ahli PUSTEK UGM)

▪    Kirnadi (Ketua Aliansi Buruh Yogyakarta)

Corporate Social Responsibility by State Entreprices

     21 Mei 2013

▪   Made Krisnajaya, S.I.P., M.Pol.Admin.

▪   Dr. Samodra Wibawa

National Expenditure Budget (APBN) of Indonesia in 2014

29 Agustus 2013

▪   .Dr. Revrisond Baswir

Cooperative-Based Traditional Market Management Model

26 September 2013

▪   Awan Santosa, SE, MSc

▪   Puthut Indroyono, SIP

▪   Istianto Ari Wibowo, SE

Tax Amnesty:“Falling Crumb One Must Be Content With Crust”

01 September 2016

▪   Drs. Dumairy, MA

▪   Dr. Hempry Suyatna, MSc

Claiming The Relaxation of Raw Mineral and Fuel Exports

26 Januari 2017

▪   Dr. Fahmy Radhi, MBA

▪   Dr. Ahmad Redi, S.H., M.H

Inter-Instituional Integration in Rural Areas

30 Januari 2019

▪   Drs. Hasto Wardoyo (Bupati Kulonprogo)

▪   Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra, MA, M.Phil. Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM.

▪   Prof. Dr. Ahmad Erani Yustika, SE, M.Sc, Ph.D.staf khusus Presiden RI bidang ekonomi

▪   Prof. Dr. Catur Sugiyanto, MA

Cooperative Platform, New Social Movement in Indonesia

10 Juli 2019

▪   Drs. Bambang Wisnu Handoyo, MM

▪   R. Anggoro Prasetiya

▪   Dr. Revrisond Baswir, MBA

Economic Democracy in Peat Village Transformation

16 April 2020

▪   Revrisond Baswir, MBA

▪   Dr. Myrna A. Safitri

▪   Bupati HS

▪   Dr. Laksmi A. Savitri

▪   Awan Santosa, SE., M.Sc

Challenges of Economic Democracy in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic

17 Juni 2020

▪   Dr. Revrisond Baswir, MBA

▪   Dr. Hempri Suyatna

▪   Dr. Laksmi Adriani Savitri





“Labor School”: Development Model for Empowerment Labor

January 17, 2013

▪   Dr. Ari Hernawan, SH, M.Hum

▪   Aditya Iskandar – Labor Solidarity Association


March 22, 2013

▪   Dr. Revrisond Baswir, MBA

▪   Dr. Hempri Suyatna, M.Si

Economic Democracy in Asia: Opportuniy & Constraint

April 2013

▪   Dr. Revrisond Baswir, MBA (CEDS-UGM)

▪   Dr. Hempri Suyatna (FISIPOL UGM}

▪   Pablo Solon (Direktur Focus on Global South-Thailand/Mantan Duta Besar Bolivia untuk PBB).

▪   Henry Saragih (La Via Campesina Organisasi Petani Dunia/Ketua Umum Serikat Petani Indonesia).

▪   Mae Bonaventura (Jubilee South/ Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development)

▪   Yosi Polimpung (Universitas Al Azhar, Jakarta)

May Day

26 April 2013

▪   Dr. Ari Hernawan, SH (Tim Ahli PUSTEK UGM)

▪    Kirnadi (Ketua Aliansi Buruh Yogyakarta)

Corporate Social Responsibility by State Entreprices

     21 Mei 2013

▪   Made Krisnajaya, S.I.P., M.Pol.Admin.

▪   Dr. Samodra Wibawa

National Expenditure Budget (APBN) of Indonesia in 2014

29 Agustus 2013

▪   .Dr. Revrisond Baswir

Cooperative-Based Traditional Market Management Model

26 September 2013

▪   Awan Santosa, SE, MSc

▪   Puthut Indroyono, SIP

▪   Istianto Ari Wibowo, SE

Tax Amnesty:“Falling Crumb One Must Be Content With Crust”

01 September 2016

▪   Drs. Dumairy, MA

▪   Dr. Hempry Suyatna, MSc

Claiming The Relaxation of Raw Mineral and Fuel Exports

26 Januari 2017

▪   Dr. Fahmy Radhi, MBA

▪   Dr. Ahmad Redi, S.H., M.H

Inter-Instituional Integration in Rural Areas

30 Januari 2019

▪   Drs. Hasto Wardoyo (Bupati Kulonprogo)

▪   Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra, MA, M.Phil. Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM.

▪   Prof. Dr. Ahmad Erani Yustika, SE, M.Sc, Ph.D.staf khusus Presiden RI bidang ekonomi

▪   Prof. Dr. Catur Sugiyanto, MA

Cooperative Platform, New Social Movement in Indonesia

10 Juli 2019

▪   Drs. Bambang Wisnu Handoyo, MM

▪   R. Anggoro Prasetiya

▪   Dr. Revrisond Baswir, MBA

Economic Democracy in Peat Village Transformation

16 April 2020

▪   Revrisond Baswir, MBA

▪   Dr. Myrna A. Safitri

▪   Bupati HS

▪   Dr. Laksmi A. Savitri

▪   Awan Santosa, SE., M.Sc

Challenges of Economic Democracy in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic

17 Juni 2020

▪   Dr. Revrisond Baswir, MBA

▪   Dr. Hempri Suyatna

▪   Dr. Laksmi Adriani Savitri


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